
Welcome to The Confidence Boost





Thanks for joining The Confidence Boost Weekly, a newsletter designed to support you on your leadership journey, in less than 5 minutes. You’ll receive it every Sunday morning at 9am CET.

Each week I’ll share insights and ideas to help you improve your leadership presence, mindset and confidence, so that you can grow your impact, access more business opportunities, and achieve greater success.

My readers are already some of the most successful entrepreneurs and CEOs in the industry. But my mission is to help them become an even stronger and more secure leaders, who live a balanced and fulfilling life, on and off work. That’s why leadership growth is essentially, a personal growth.

And, that’s possible with a dose of curiosity, open-mindedness and a desire, to be better than you were before.

My mission is to inspire you and encourage you, to be the confident leader who inspires, and stands out.

Each Newsletter will include a Weekly Topic and additional, 3 Boosts:

  • How To Look Good (ideas for looking like a pulled-together executive)
  • How To Succeed (a business feature on people who made it)
  • How To Improve Yourself & Impact Others (a leadership skill to try out).

Expect me in your inbox every Sunday 9am CET.

Take care.

Suzana Grieme

Executive Coach | Life Coach to CEOs & Entrepreneurs

If you would like to get in touch please hit the reply button. I answer all the questions within 24h. If you would like to learn how I can help you now or in the future, please click on the blue button.


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Before I see you next Sunday, here are three links to help you boost your leadership this week:


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Welcome to The Confidence Boost


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New: A 60-Minutes Strategy Session

Get Guidance on Your Biggest Stuck Point.

A guided consultation designed to address immediate concern in your private or work life. Ideal for getting an expert advice, a fresh perspective, and actionable steps for moving forward.

What to expect:

  • Structured and focused conversation.
  • Strategies for improvement.
  • Practical approach & business mindset.
  • Tailored guidance and neutral assessment.
  • Guaranteed confidentiality.
  • Zero judgment.